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Board Elections Forum - Vote Now!

October 25, 2023 7:27 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of young woman holding the letters V O T EVoting for the US Servas Board of Directors is now open. Voting closes at midnight, October 29th. We have four excellent candidates. Here is a link to a summary of their credentials, and the ballot. Easy-peasy... just enter your name and email address, then four clicks and you are done. Two minutes max.  

On October 18, Ernie Baragar, moderator for the Board Candidates Forum, opened the event right on time with welcoming and overview of the agenda. He made sure the event went smoothly with the help of timer, Natalie Petersen, and comments reviewer, Bill Magargal. The twenty-six attendees got to hear from each candidate, both during their respective opening remarks. Ernie then asked each candidate to answer each of three questions developed by the elections committee. Each candidate had 90 seconds to answer each of the questions below.    

  1. Image of laptop screen with candidates on it.

    US Servas has been an all-volunteer organization since 2021. Are you involved in helping with Servas operations? If so, how? 

  2. If not, have you done volunteer work for other nonprofits?   

  3. Have you had a chance to talk with any board member to learn about current programs and needs? Whether or not you have done so, where do you believe you can make your best contribution to the current programs and needs of the organization?   

  4. Through Servas, travelers who believe in peace visit hosts who also believe in peace. Do you see a role for Servas as a peace organization beyond the communication that occurs between travelers and hosts? If yes, how do you think Servas can be an agent for peace?    

All candidates handled themselves well, and all should be good additions to the board.  Be sure to vote. Voting is open now until Midnight, October 29th. here is a link to the ballot webpage.


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