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Missed Connections

February 21, 2024 8:07 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

graphic of sad-faced woman surrounded by a computer networkVolunteers Feel Left Out...   Anon

During COVID US Servas fell into dire straits. We didn’t know if we would survive, but a lot of us heard the call, rolled up our sleeves, and took it on. Of course, as with any volunteer situation, some contribute more than others, but still— Servas is an organization about people.   

Several years and many changes later,a number of our committed volunteers feel left out. Things have changed so much. We've become computerized and so organized that the people part of the volunteering, the people part of being a Servas member has taken a back seat to the systems and organization.  

A former local interviewer reached out to a former regional coordinator to ask when she might be trained to start interviewing again. Since she doesn’t have a US Servas address, she had not received the invitation email for the training. An advantage of having regional coordinators who interview is that they get to know many of the people in their area and can create events that bring their regions together.  

Another local member reached out to ask when our next area event would be. The former regional coordinator could not say because anybody can schedule and announce an event once approved through the events team, but few who weren’t regional coordinators want to go through the hoops. It somehow feels, in spite of all the positive changes, that some babies have been thrown out with the bath water. Let’s step back and re-evaluate. 

Editor's Note - The board recognizes this as an important issue. In the years since COVID the focus has been to understand our new computer systems and survive as an all-volunteer organization. Now is the time to focus on our core... people connections. We hope to see meaningful progress this year. 


  • February 27, 2024 10:09 PM | Anonymous member
    Dear Servas Members: As a volunteer with the US Servas Events Team our new website now has the ability for every member to use our Event Support link ( https:// ) to help you organize your own local events with neighboring Servas members! How about organizing a local museum tour? A hike? Serving a meal in a local shelter? A movie and dinner discussion? A potluck? You name it! Our Salt Lake City Servas members having been doing something monthly for years and you can too! Log into US Servas and click on the News & Events tab and click on the Events Support to let us know your idea. Our Events Team volunteers are ready to help get the word out to those in your area.
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  • February 29, 2024 11:49 AM | Anonymous member
    Dear Anonymous -

    The new “onboarding” process will involve interviewers needing to be trained in the new protocol. That training has not yet been scheduled or set-up. We are not there yet. As the Volunteer Coordinator, I would encourage any US Servas member that would like to re-engage or get more involved to contact me at
    Link  •  Reply

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