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Run for the Board - Giving it Back

August 06, 2023 1:57 PM | Deirdre Marlowe (Administrator)

photo of woman on a board extending out over a cliff with the words "Make the Leap - Run for the board"by Natalie Petersen

Do you love to write?  Enjoy event planning? Are you good with social media? Graphic design? The Board is looking for people with any of these skills and more to help guide and shape the future of US Servas.  

Servas is a solid organization with a rich and interesting history, started - as many of the most impactful organizations in the world have been - by a small group of people who had a compelling vision and worked together from the ground up to build it. They believed that the foundations of world peace are based on concerned people meeting and learning from one another. This happens as we travel/host the world connecting with and making new Servas friends. Board members get this perk every month as they work diligently with other interesting and dedicated US Servas members of the Board. 

There are many benefits to being a member of Servas, and,since we’re a volunteer-run organization, there are also many opportunities to give back. One of the best ways to do this, and have a voice in the US Servas community, is by serving on the Board. The core mission of Servas, to promote peace and understanding, resonates deeply with many Servas members. Many of us have had amazing and impactful experiences interacting with fellow “peace ambassadors” through their travels. The opportunity to have these experiences through Servas is dependent on our continuance of a well-run organization, which starts with stellar Board leadership. 

Does the Servas mission align with your beliefs? Do you have something to offer and want to give back?  

Board service can provide the opportunity to:  

  • Share your ideas, skills, and experience  
  • Shape the future of US Servas  
  • Broaden your network 
  • Expand your mind 
  • Learn new skills 
  • Develop leadership capacity 
  • Represent US Servas Members 
  • Become a better listener 
  • Increase peace-building skills; learn to respect differing perspectives and arrive at consensus  
  • Strengthen the organization 
  • Have fun with a great group of people 
  • Make an impact 
Board members bring diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and personal experiences, and they add tremendous value by elevating the mission and work of US Servas. Review the details found on the Run for the Board webpage. Why not make the big leap, join the board, and give back to keep Servas strong!

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