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Packing Tips for Easy Travel

May 04, 2023 9:12 AM | Bill Magargal (Administrator)

Photo of woman tring to cram clothes into overpacked suitcaseby Tys Sniffen 

We have all seen the travelers with multiple, enormous suitcases struggling their way through the airport, and wondered, "What in the world?" Maybe these people succumbed to the "Just in Case" syndrome, but it sure makes travel more difficult. Here are some useful tips for what and how to pack: 


  • Everything should do at least 2 things 

  • Everything should be light, sturdy, and easy-to-clean 

  • You want to be able to alter your situation easily and quickly: make yourself warmer or cooler, protect yourself from wind/rain, go from casual to dressy. 

  • Everything should match - that is, everything should be able to be worn/used with all the other things.  (Shirts should match all bottoms, coat should not clash with all shirts, shoes should go with every outfit.) 

  • Everything should be stain-resistant, wrinkle-resistant, and/or able to hide some dirt with a pattern or texture. 


  • Wear one pair of shoes, carry only one other; both pairs should be able to go with all outfits and be comfortable for a day of wear.  

  • Always dress to look like you’re going to an event, fun, slightly dressy clothes that have a touch of formality, but are comfortable. 

  • You don’t need ‘just-in-case’ stuff. 

  • While looking dressy is good and fun, other people don’t care that much if you wear things more than once. 

  • While you want somethings at your fingertips, you don’t need to carry everything everywhere.  Pack so you can travel in a ‘modular’ way, i.e.,don’t take your underwear on the museum tour. 

How to Pack 

  • Choose clothes from your closet (by sorting or buying) that fit the above criteria. 

  • Lay out 2 bottom-half outfits and 4 top-half outfits. Include an additional warm weather bottom outfit (shorts or light skirt) 

  • Make sure that all bottoms can be worn with all tops. 

  • Fold or roll them up carefully in a way that adds the least wrinkles. Stack.  How high is the stack? 

  • Compile your ‘additional items: swimsuit, underwear, socks, warm layer, and put them in a compression bag. 


  • May 06, 2023 1:41 PM | Pat Baars
    When I travelled in Europe for six weeks I had one "weekend" suitcase and a backpack. For a Servas invitation, I would store the suitcase in a train station locker and take just what I needed for the two days in the backpack. That made things much easier if the host lived on the fifth floor with only stairs. Tissue between clothing folds helps to eliminate wrinkles.
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